Minun omenapuu – a story of how to make business out of apples in Finland

Rikard Korkman, a farmer in 6th generation, owns fields in the Southern Finland. The main business is grain production and snow removal. In 2013 Rikard decided to get serious with apple farming and planted 1100 apple trees. How can he make business out of apples in Finland? Yes, it is possible to grow apples in Read more about Minun omenapuu – a story of how to make business out of apples in Finland[…]

Tarpeeksi uutta muttei liikaa – mikä yhdistää onnistuneimpia kokeiluhankkeita?

Sorry, this post is only available in Finnish, but the research article is in English here. Miksi sähköinen hoidontarpeenarviointi vakiintui ja sen käyttö laajentui kokeilun jälkeen mutta vanhusten aktivointiin tarkoitettu, tablettipohjainen terveyspalvelukokeilu jäi kokeiluksi? Julkisten palvelujen uudistaminen ei ole koskaan helppoa, mutta silti toiset hyvinvointipalvelujen digitalisoinnin pilottihankkeet onnistuvat paremmin kuin toiset. Mitkä tekijät erottavat onnistuneimmat Read more about Tarpeeksi uutta muttei liikaa – mikä yhdistää onnistuneimpia kokeiluhankkeita?[…]

37% of Europe’s small and medium sized companies are seriously engaged in BM Innovation

Earlier this year, ENVISION asked European business owners to participate in a survey aimed at understanding how companies conduct innovation and how it contributes to the growth of their enterprise(s). The survey consisted of 45 questions and was available in 13 languages. ‘This is the first study to quantitatively study the impacts of BM Innovation’, Read more about 37% of Europe’s small and medium sized companies are seriously engaged in BM Innovation[…]

A story of Euran Rakennustarvike Hardware Store

Euran rakennustarvike is a family-owned hardware retail company owned by the Helin family. In 1993, the family purchased the hardware store at a time when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. Located in the small city of Eura, Finland, its target customers are local contractors, decorators, DIYers, farmers, and homeowners. The company stocks and Read more about A story of Euran Rakennustarvike Hardware Store[…]

ENVISION signed its 17th partnership, making its potential reach to 15 million European SMEs

Businessmakeover.eu powered by ENVISION opened its doors in October 2015 and hit the ground running by partnering with 17 active players in the SME community with access to approximately 15 million small businesses across Europe. This is all thanks to the participation and cooperation of UEAPME European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises which Read more about ENVISION signed its 17th partnership, making its potential reach to 15 million European SMEs[…]

ENVISION project is boosting business model innovation in SMEs

In the current tough economic environment, business model innovation can be the key to becoming or staying competitive. To boost European competitiveness and job creation, the ENVISION, Empowering SME business model Innovation, project will activate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Europe to re-think and transform their business models with the help of an easy-to-use, open-access, self-service Read more about ENVISION project is boosting business model innovation in SMEs[…]